Now that I have taken the first baby steps into Greek language, I am starting to ask myself lots of questions regarding the roots and meanings of words.

Then I started to question myself the differences and curiosities about Greek names. That is why I started asking different people from the staff at NISI or other visitors for their names and the meanings to them, and came with this list of interesting facts:
Ελπιδοφορος or Elpidoforos means “the one that brings hope”. Phero means bringing, carrying.
Βλάσης or Vlasis comes from a latin name (blasius) and means “the one who has a stammer”.
Άρτεμις or Artemis comes either from slutter or calm. She was a solid person, healthy and a virgin or also she can provide or take away full body parts.
Αριάδνη or Ariadni means VERY pure. Interesting!
Γιώργος or Giorgos for male, Georgía for female, comes from agriculture and means “you work the land”.
Αικατερίνη or Ekaterini means purity.
Κλειώ or Klio comes from the muse of history.
Παναγιωτης or Panayotis for male, Panayota for female, comes from saint of everything. Panayia is the Virgin Mary, and from there roots “ayios”, meaning the saint that leads.
Φωτεινή or Fotini comes from fos, and means light, therefore Fotini means bright.
Αθανασιος or Athanasios, long for Thanos. Comes from athanasia which means immortality.
Θεοδωρα or Theodora means the gift of God.
Φίλιππος or Philippos comes from ipos: the ancient name for horse, so Philippos means “friend with the horses”.
My list can continue a lot more, but considering the time I have spent here volunteering, I am grateful to get to learn these small things about this beautiful culture.